Sunday, December 4, 2016

BLOBFISHImage result for blobfish drawing
December edition ⚈fall  3.5⚈Blobfish⚈december Edition⚈it’s still Fall until the 21

Blobfish Quote of The month:  “I'm going to North Pole to help out Santa this year.”    

   -Jimmy Fallon

Now you may be thinking, why on Earth would we continue to start these with the exact same sentence? For the first time, I don’t know. Seriously,why do we. I’m going to try something new.
Hello young readers! No.

Good Morning!It’s not the morning.

Mesdames et Messieurs, nous espérons que vous apprécierez le Blobfish de Décembre! Non.Non.Non

   Merry Christmas! You are not Santa.

Well, I give up. But anyways, joyeux noël et bonne année! (Why have I started to talk French? That means Merry christmas, and have an amazing new year!)                                
The Blobfish Team
A  trip  to  Preschool
Preschool (sigh) When you were in preschool, you might’ve thought it was easy. You might’ve thought it was hard. Well, I did. Let’s start this off with some nice Storytelling.

“Louise stole my crayons, and Kyle’s trying to eat them!” My name is ********, and I’m in preschool. We do lot’s of amazing things! (Try to figure out who this is.) Since it’s around Christmas, we’ll be doing crafts. We don’t get snow down here in Florida, so we’ve never dreamed of building Frosty the Snowman. And since I’ve been scared of Santa ever since Veronica started a rumor that Santa watches you all the time, I stay inside. No matter what.

Wait. You want to know how I got tangled in tinsel two days ago? And how I give Simone a bloody knee? Fine, I’ll tell you. Last week, Mrs. Maria and Ms. Rebecca asked us to help decorate the Christmas tree. I was coloring my paper wreath, and had to go to the bathroom. So I dropped my crayons onto the Blue Table and headed out the classroom door.

15 minutes later…

Fine. It took me forever to get out of the bathroom. But what could I do? Our teachers  went overboard, added decorations everywhere in sight. Included the “Princess’ Bathroom”. Peppermint soap, tinsel on top of the mirror, a plush snowman on the “extra” cabinets. It was amazing. A few years later, I walked outside in awe at the mini tree in front of the infant zone. They couldn’t decorate trees without biting the branches, so Mrs. Cheryl and Mrs. Janet did. I walked through the classroom door and… my crayons. NOOOOOOO!!!! The blue crayon was alone, the only survivor of the crayon-napping. Louise. My glitter crayons were in her hand.... and Kyle’s mouth. I dashed over and....

Tinsel. Tinsel wrapped me in it’s arms and pulled me into the tree. And down went the tree. I, standing there like Godzilla, fell again. Onto the same tree, which caused a chain reaction. “My knee is bleeding!” “I’m coming to save yo- my arm has a bruise on it.” “I have a Band-aid! Wait- OWWWW! My foot!” On and on it went until, “Kyle! Why in the world are you eating an ornament!” Everyone’s eyes were on Kyle. Luckily, it was paper-mache. Unluckily, it was paper-mache. It wasn’t exactly edible.  “Kyle, spit!” My teacher tried to coax him to spit, but Nathan started chanting, “SWALLOW! EAT THE PAPER!” So he did. And we never saw him again… until the next day. He was back with 3 extra things:

  1. A  letter to the teacher from his mom
  2. 2 extra snacks
  3. A stuffed steak with eyes

And since then, only the teachers were allowed to decorate the tree. And we did this thing:

Image result for christmas preschool worksheets

And Kyle, every year, had to do one of these:

And I haven’t tripped in tinsel since then. I’m not saying I never will, because I probably will, but until then, bye b-

Holy cow, I just did two things:

  1. Broke a computer
  2. Tripped on tinsel

Well now I bet that I’ve got some evil curse on me.

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Presented by: Girl Life Magazine
Writing Image result for heart clipart Contest       

  • Main character should be a girl
  • Holiday must be in November or December
  • Story should be 1-6 pages long. Anything shorter or longer will be disqualified
  • Story can be funny, but not offensive or inappropriate!
  • Most important rule: Have fun Image result for smiley emoji Christmas diy 1: ornament
  • Supplies: sphere styrofoam ball, eyepins, string sequins and glue (Liquid glue, not glue sticks)

Directions: Using your glue paste the sequins  on the sphere styrofoam ball  one by one and leave a bit of space on top. Let it dry over night and in the morning. If it’s dry, stick your eye pin in the top where  you left space and cut 2 to 3 inches of string and make a loop on your eye pin to hang it up. Enjoy!
Image result for sequin ornaments
Image result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmasImage result for ornament christmas

Christmas diy 2 : hand or lip scrub
Supplies: coconut oil,sugar,scented oil [optional], food coloring (optional and only needed if used for lip scrub),and a container

Directions: Melt your coconut oil for 30 seconds to a minute if not melted by then keep on melting each time for 15 seconds. Meanwhile  add ⅔  of the sugar in a container or jar .After your coconut oil is completely melted, pour ⅓ of the coconut oil in the jar or container with the sugar. Add scented oil if wanted and mix neatly. Do the same if making lip scrub but add  half the measurements and add food color if wanted.
Image result for christmas pepperment hand and lip scrub
Image result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emojiImage result for dab emoji

Thank you
                                Written By:
                                 Sanjana V.

Image result for Ornaments
Lunch Bag Scrapbook

Store holiday cards and photos in the pockets of a book crafted from folded brown paper bags.

What you'll need: Three brown lunch bags, scissors, hole puncher, pencil, thin ribbon, glue, assorted embellishments (we used patterned papers, gift wrap scraps, buttons, stickers, rickrack, and photos)

How To Make it: Cut off the bottom of the lunch bags, stack them, and fold in half. (If necessary, trim edges to make pages even.) Remove the outermost bag and punch three to four holes along the folded edge. Using this bag as a guide, punch corresponding holes in the other two folded bags, one at a time. Restack folded bags and thread ribbon through the holes to bind the book. Embellish the cover as desired using gift-wrap scraps, buttons, photos, and more. Personalize to your desire!

I hope you love this DIY and try it out. yourself!

    Meet Bob!  
Recently, we realized that not everyone has read the blobfish times. We also realized that you may have had questions. So, if you want to ask those questions, you can! So instead of walking up to us, you can contact Bob the Blobfish using Google Mail, or Gmail.
                           Contact him at:

(He loves fan mail, and weirdly enough, the tree emoji)
                   The World’s Largest

First of, before we blow your mind, let’s explain what a menorah is. A menorah (in hebrew a מנורת חנוכה‎‎) is a is a nine-branched candelabrum lit during Hanukkah, an eight-day Jewish holiday.

So now that you know what an amazing holiday it is, let’s tell  

Blobfish Blog
Do you never get to finish reading the blobfish times? Well now you can read on a blog. It posts everything so you could enjoy reading this newspaper.
           Blog Name

    Hope You Enjoy Our Amazing Blog!
(That’s at least what Bob told us to write)


Saturday, December 3, 2016

BLOBFISHImage result for blobfish drawing
November edition ⚈fall .3.0⚈Blobfish⚈2nd Edition⚈November Edition⚈Fall

Blobfish Quote of The month:  “People make mistakes, That’s why pencils have erasers.”


Now you may be thinking, why on Earth would we make another edition? Because we can, that’s why (No,Actually, it’s because we already made a first one, and it’s too late to turn back). Well anyways, we hope you enjoy our Holiday Themed edition!   
The Blobfish Team


How To Make
Leaf Decorations

Things You Will Need
  • Spray paint (Any color, but gold is most popular)
  • Leaves (Fake or real)
  • Sharpie
  • Newspaper (Or any other surface protector)

Step One:
Lay out your newspaper or other thingy

Step 2:
Lay out your leaf, and spray paint it the color that you like

Step 3:
Let it dry. Then, use a Sharpie to write a name, draw, etc.

Step 4:
Present your masterpiece to whoever you’d like

Our Collection Of Corny
Jokes and Riddles
  • What always comes at the beginning of parades? (The letter "p"!)
  • What key won't open any door?
      (A turkey!)
  • Why did the turkey cross the road?(It was the chicken's day off!)
  • What's the most musical part of a turkey?
      (The drumstick!)
  • Why did the turkey cross the road twice?
      (To prove he wasn't chicken!)

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Image result for tinkle comic

Image result for tinkle comic
Ladies and gentlemen, in honor of Diwali, we added this comic
Diary Of A Cashier:Image result for black friday clip art
Black Friday Sales
Dear Diary,
I work at Grey Seas, a clothing store for all ages. I love my job and all, but Black Friday is a pain. Especially the last one.
There was about 20 people in line, and so I was rushing through the costumers.” Twenty seven ninety nine. Swipe your card here please.” That’s all I said to this woman. But all the sudden, she says, “EXCUSE ME! 23 DOLLARS FOR 10 PAIRS OF JEANS, THREE SHIRTS, AND A SKIRT! UNACCEPTABLE! ARE YOU CHEATING ME?” Well, I look at her as if she was crazy. I mean, you’re getting ¾ of your purchase free, using a $20 off coupon, and already wearing your unpurchased items. So who’s the crazy one? You. I mean, I understand her argument and all, but she was screaming as if I had just jumped on her. At the time, I thought maybe she had hearing problems. So then I said, slightly louder, “Ma’am, your total is $23.79, plus tax. Would you like to purchase the items?” I now just realized what I said. It wasn’t straight up bad, but from the way she handled the first thing I said, I knew that I would drown in her tsunami of words. “ How old are you, twenty? Well then, just walk away and I’ll take over! NOW MOVE YOUR LITTLE TUSH AND WALK AWAY! I’ve got a knitting class at 3:00, and a doctor's appointment at 5:00. Mrs. Reynolds will NOT be happy if I miss this class. And Dr. Treesapity already hates me. Anyways, just move!” I glance behind me. A newbie named Ainsley Horscheff had just started working here, but she was my only hope. “Ainsley, there’s a crazy woman here…. Oh no.” My voice isn’t quiet. But in a few minutes it will be. I’ll most likely die from being drowned by a nuisance, or just embarrassment. But then this happens: she says,” Oh my lord! I’m so sorry! I’m just so mad at Juju, my daughter, that I just shed it on you! LOL!” Uhhh… what on Earth just happened!? I was so confused, I just printed the bill out and shoved it in along with the clothes. “Here, uh, you go. Have an, um, wonderful day. Bye Bye!”
And that is a day that I will most likely never forget. Also, I almost got run over, but that’s a different story. Anyways, Adios!

  Sparkling Centerpiece
Sparkling Centerpiece
Fireworks add excitement to any festive holiday. Create your own sparkling centerpiece for a permanent celebration!

.1. Collect several different lengths of cardboard tubes. With Scissors, cut the tubes in half so you have six or more pieces.

2. Remember the bursts of color and light you see when watching fireworks? Use Gel Markers to decorate your tubes in exciting colors and patterns.

3. Use wrapping-paper scraps, aluminum foil, and other colorful papers and metallic wrappings to create your fireworks. Cut the paper into long, slender strips to resemble steamers of light. Apply School Glue to the inside ends of your tubes, then tuck in the colorful paper explosions.

4. Arrange the colored tubes to look like fireworks. Tie them together with ribbon or metallic holiday wrap. Stand them on end. Arrange more colored and metallic papers around the base for a wonderful  fireworks centerpiece.
Image result for firework clipart

       Reviews for
Blobfish Times
1. I think Blobfish Times is a fun newspaper.It regards events nicely and has fun contests.
                      -Krithi Kumar

                                                                    5 stars

2. I believe Bobfish Times  was a great newspaper. It included many cool and funny things and I hope you guys do it and again in November.
                             -Olivia Patti

                 6 stars

2. I love it!I am speechless! So many cool articles and fun things to read about. READ THIS!-Diya  Bhat

Nibbles The Hamster….

Nibbles the hamster recently came to the classroom to help me with my speech. However, after the speech, Nibbles started crying because I didn’t let him say anything “good.” So, he wrote his own article about something.

As we all know, I am a hamster. And hamsters are amazing. And humans are not. And I have proof. Just look at Sanjana A, and you’ll see all the problems with the human race. Anyways, that’s why I, Nibbles The Hamster, am running for president of 2020. I will be known as the first hamster president and… wait. Sanjana just said I have to be older than 7. Sanjana! See, I told you guys that hamsters are better. Hamsters just go with the flow… of their hamster wheel. Versus humans, who only flip water bottles or other stuff like that. That is why I, Nibbles, should also be elected for student council. I will win the student's rights to sing in hallways and jump on tables, or other stuff like that.

Plus, I already have a photo. I tried to look like this man named Donald Trumpet and Hillary Clintson. Sanjana keeps saying that I’m saying that last names are wrong. See, this is why Sanjana is so horrible. Wait! It’s past my bedtime. Bye!
Image result for ty goodies the hamster

I, sanjana A, apologize to pretty much everyone that Nibbles has offended. See, this is why he never really gets to do his own thing.

Our Final Page:
Your Comments!